Every day, we create the foods that we love-and that you love too, we hope. And every day, we try to keep our quality standards high–picking fresh ingredients, full of taste and packed with the nutrients that keep us going. We believe that by doing so, we can add our bit to the quality of life of everyone who pays us a visit. Quality of life also matters to the ones who supply us: from the local farmers and suppliers close to us, to the ones who grow the cocoa beans for our chocolate. That’s why we choose our chocolate wisely.

It’s Belgian. And from sustainably sourced cocoa beans. You can trust our chocolate to be made from directly sourced cocoa beans from farmers and cooperatives in West Africa. Farmers who apply modern agriculture with respect for their nature and forests, and who put their craft in every cocoa tree. Farmers who get a fair price for their cocoa beans and feel empowered to grow their entrepreneurial skills–just like we do. With every bite of our chocolate, you can count on the change it brings for the quality of life of thousands of West African cocoa farmers.

To us, food quality means, quality of life. For our farmers too. That’s why we work with chocolate from sustainably sourced cocoa beans crafted in Belgium.